Invest in mPokket
Marwari Capital is working exclusively with mPokket, an India-based fintech providing short-term loans to college students. The company maintains a S&P BBB-Stable rating, and recently secured a $60M investment from Barings Asia.
For US investors seeking exposure to Asia-based opportunities, Marwari has created a Delaware registered fund to invest in the corporate bond of mPokket.
Investors receive a fixed net annual return of 14% USD, paid quarterly.
Audited financials and tax returns can be shared, post NDA completion.
mPokket Investment Profile
mPokket Snapshot ($USD)
- Provides short-term instant loans of $5-$500
- $90 million in loans issued per month
- 20 million current registered users
- Credit Rating of BBB (Stable) from CRISIL - Standard & Poor’s subsidiary
2024 Financials (Actuals) *
- $155M Net Revenue ($USD)
- $45M Net Profit (margin of 30%)
- $60M Credit Facility from Barings Asia
- Net Debt to Equity ratio of 1.3x
* 2024 Financials from April ‘23 – Mar ‘24
Customer Experience
- 4.4★ rating (1.9 million google reviews)
- 20 million app downloads
- 9M new registered users (Jan – Dec. 23)
- Lowest % of complaints at .0023% Number of complaints / Total Customers
Loan Approval Process
- 10-minute application that's 100% Online
- Receipt of funds in less than 30 minutes
- Initial Loan Limit: Students: $12.5 / Salaried: $25
Investment Summary
Opportunity to invest in the senior debt
securities offered by mPokket
- Investment Vehicle: Delaware Registered LP (K1's to all LP’s)
- Expected Returns (USD): 15.5% Gross (14% Net)
- FX: Interest & Principal fully hedged
- Payment Frequency: Quarterly
- Debt Securities: Secured by Corporate Guarantee & 1.35x underlying receivables
- Minimum Investor Commitment: $100 thousand
- Investment Duration: Fixed period of 3 years
- Banking Partner: Chase Bank
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